PhD, CQED-LKB, Collége de France, PSL Research University
CQED team led by prof Brune and prof Haroche [2012 Nobel laureate]
Title: -"Realization of long-lived chains of circular Rydberg atoms for quantum simulation."
The current goal is to realize a novel quantum simulator platform based on a chain of circular Rydberg atoms and its benchmarking by exploring the phase diagram of a 1D spin chain. The corresponding proposal is presented in detail in Phys. Rev. X 8, 011032 (2018). Circular levels have large principal and maximum orbital and magnetic quantum numbers. These states unite the remarkable features of Rydberg levels with a simpler level structure and a much longer intrinsic lifetime. These properties make circular Rydberg atoms very promising candidates for implementing quantum simulations of different physical condensed-matter processes, which are out of reach for classical numerical integration even on modern supercomputers and their clusters. However, the realization of long (up to 40 atoms) chains ready to be efficiently used in a quantum simulator requires much longer atom lifetimes, on the order of several minutes. This demand can be fulfilled by passing two basic milestones: the realization of a Rydberg atom chain trapped at laser intensity minima by the ponderomotive energy of the atoms’ nearly-free electron and the enhancement of the atom lifetime (inhibition of their spontaneous relaxation) by placing the atoms in a plane-parallel capacitor with millimeter spacing, as schematically shown in the figure.
Picture Source: [lab's webpage]
Other past research work and publications can be found on Google Scholar or ResearchGate profile :)
Circular Rydberg atom bibliography:
Nobel Lecture: Controlling photons in a box and exploring the quantum to a classical boundary, Serge Haroche.
Is a circular Rydberg atom stable in a vanishing electric field?, M. Gross and J. Liang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 3160, 1986.
Inhibited Spontaneous Emission by a Rydberg Atom, Randall G. Hulet, Eric S. Hilfer, and Daniel Kleppner
Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2137, 1985. -
Ponderomotive Optical Lattice for Rydberg Atoms, S. K. Dutta, J. R. Guest, D. Feldbaum, A. Walz-Flannigan, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 5551, 2000.
Production and trapping of cold circular Rydberg atoms, D. A. Anderson, A. Schwarzkopf, R. E. Sapiro, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 88, 031401(R), 2013.
Coherent Transfer between Low-Angular-Momentum and Circular Rydberg States, A. Signoles, E. K. Dietsche, A. Facon, D. Grosso, S. Haroche, J. M. Raimond, M. Brune, and S. Gleyzes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 253603, 2017.
Fast and accurate circularization of a Rydberg atom, Sabrina Patsch, Daniel M. Reich, Jean-Michel Raimond, Michel Brune, Sébastien Gleyzes, and Christiane P. Koch, Phys. Rev. A 97, 053418, 2018.
Towards Quantum Simulation with Circular Rydberg Atoms, T. L. Nguyen, J. M. Raimond, C. Sayrin, R. Cortiñas, T. Cantat-Moltrecht, F. Assemat, I. Dotsenko, S. Gleyzes, S. Haroche, G. Roux, Th. Jolicoeur, and M. Brune, Phys. Rev. X 8, 011032, 2018.
Preparation of Long-Lived, Non-Autoionizing Circular Rydberg States of Strontium, R. C. Teixeira, A. Larrouy, A. Muni, L. Lachaud, J.-M. Raimond, S. Gleyzes, and M. Brune, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 263001, 2020.
Laser Trapping of Circular Rydberg Atoms, R. G. Cortiñas, M. Favier, B. Ravon, P. Méhaignerie, Y. Machu, J. M. Raimond, C. Sayrin, and M. Brune, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 123201, 2020.
Indium tin oxide films meet circular Rydberg atoms: Prospects for novel quantum simulation schemes, Florian Meinert, Christian Hölzl, Mehmet Ali Nebioglu, Alessandro D'Arnese, Philipp Karl, Martin Dressel, and Marc Scheffler, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023192, 2020.
Long-lived circular Rydberg states of laser-cooled rubidium atoms in a cryostat, T. Cantat-Moltrecht, R. Cortiñas, B. Ravon, P. Méhaignerie, S. Haroche, J. M. Raimond, M. Favier, M. Brune, and C. Sayrin, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 022032(R), 2020.
Quantum Computing with Circular Rydberg Atoms, Sam R. Cohen and Jeff D. Thompson, PRX Quantum 2, 030322, 2021.